
Unit 4. Using web search engines

Topic A: Web search engines

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Perform a Search Using a Web Search Engine

Search engine – a web-based tool that is designed to search the content of web pages and find particular information on the Internet.

Some popular search engines

  • A world map with the names of popular search engines on it.Google
  • Bing
  • Baidu
  • Yahoo!
  • Yandex
  • Ask.com
  • DuckDuckGo

Search the Internet using a web search engine

  1. The Google homepage has a search box where you type your query.Open a search engine in a web browser (such as Internet Explorer).
  2. Type a few specific keywords or phrases in the search box to describe whatever you wish to search. Search engines look for the keywords in your query.
  3. Press Enter. The search engine will display a list of websites (page after page) that include information related to your query.
  4. Repeat above steps (type different keywords or phrases) if necessary.

Web Browsers and Bookmarks


  • Browser – a software program that allows users to access and display websites or web pages (documents, images, videos, music, etc.) on the Internet.

Some popular web browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Opera


  • A list of bookmarks made in a web browser.Bookmark (or favourite): a collection of links (saved shortcuts) to web pages that is stored in a web browser.
  • Saving bookmarks allows users to quickly navigate back to the websites they visit the most.
  • Bookmark bar: A toolbar that contains all bookmarks and is displayed at the top of a browser window (under the address bar).

Bookmark bar is found beneath the address bar.

Google Chrome

Add bookmarks to Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome by double-clicking.
  2. Go to the website you would like to
  3. Click on the star icon Star. to the upper-right corner to add the bookmark.

  1. Click Done.

Find a bookmark in Chrome

Method 1

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click three dots (More options) in the upper-right corner.

Three vertical dots in the Chrome toolbar lead to more options.

  1. Click Bookmarks (in the pop-up menu that appears).A Chrome dropdown menu that includes a link to Bookmarks.
  2. Find and click a bookmark to open it.

Method 2

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Find and click a bookmark on the bookmarks bar to open it.

Show or hide the bookmarks bar in Chrome

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click three dots icon to the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Bookmarks.
  4. Click Show Bookmarks Bar to turn the bookmarks bar on and off.
    (A check mark means the bookmarks bar is showing. No check mark means it’s hidden.)

In Chrome, click Bookmarks under More Options. Toggle Show Bookmarks on and off.

Internet Explorer

Add bookmarks to Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer  double-click on Internet Explorer to open it.Right-click in Explorer, then select Add to favorites.
  2. Go to the website you would like to bookmark.
  3. Right-click on an empty space of the page.
  4. Select Add to Favorites from the pop-up menu that appears.
  5. Click Add.

Name the bookmark, then click Add in the Add a Favorite pop-up box.

You may also click on the star icon Star. in the upper-right corner to add the bookmark.

Find a bookmark in Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on the star icon Star. in the upper-right corner.
  3. Find and click a bookmark to open it.

Or use the bookmarks bar that shows under the address bar. Click a bookmark to open it.

The bookmarks bar appears below the address bar in Explorer.

Show or hide the bookmark bar in Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer.Toggle the bookmark bar in Explorer by selecting the Favorites bar option.
  2. Right-click on the top side (empty space) of the Window.
  3. Click the Favorites bar on the pop-up menu.


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