
Unit 5 Create a Web Presentation Using PowerPoint

27 Learning Assessment


check list Assignment 5

box with a checkmark in it Complete Assignment 5, which is located in the Dropbox. This is a two-part assignment.

Part 1: You will post a .pptx presentation on your assigned group discussion board for peer review.  You will review the presentations of your groupmates and share your feedback with them, and turn those feedback sheets into your instructor for credit.  You are expected to provide real feedback, go through the checklist carefully, and comment on good points.  You must give at  least two suggestions for improvement.  You will then have the opportunity to adjust your presentation before submitting it.

Part 2: You will save your presentation as a video and submit it as well as your PowerPoint presentation at the assignment box for your instructor to mark.

Please go to the Dropbox link for Assignment 5 to get specific instructions for this presentation. Please be sure to contact your instructor if you have any questions about this unit or its activities.

Once you have completed Unit 5, you are ready to complete the Final Project for the course.


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Presentation Software Copyright © 2013 by ABT Collaborative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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