
Unit 3 Using Outline View and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show

12 Overview


Presentation Software

Unit 3: Use Outline View and Clip Art to Create a Slide Show


  • Use outline view to create a new presentation
  • Add multi-level bulleted list slides in outline view
  • Change the slide layout
  • Insert, move, resize and animate clip art objects
  • Add a header and footer to outline pages and print a presentation outline
  • E-mail a slide show from within PowerPoint


Unit 1 & 2 introduced you to the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. Now comes the fun stuff! Unit 3 introduces you to outline view, clip art, and animation effects.

In this unit you will learn how to create a slide presentation in outline view by entering all the text in the form of an outline. You will change slide layouts, you will rearrange the text. Using graphics to enhance the comprehension of a presentation, you will add clip art in the Object Area placeholder as well as to slides without a clip art region and then move and resize the image.

Your instructor will identify the weekly schedule and assignment due dates at the start of your course. It is important that you set weekly goals and remain on schedule.

This unit is laid out like Units 1 and 2 and consists of Learning Activities,Practice Activities, and Assessment of Learning.


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Presentation Software Copyright © 2013 by ABT Collaborative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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