Book Title: Student Success
Subtitle: An invaluable resource for college and university students

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Book Description: You will learn invaluable skills on topics such as time management, study skills, test-taking, memory techniques, researching, referencing sources, learning preferences, student supports and resources, communication skills, online learning, student funding, presentation skills, and transferring courses between post-secondary institutions. This book covers the learning outcomes for a provincial level ABE course which can be used as an elective towards a BC Adult Graduation Diploma.
Book Information
Book Description
This textbook provides invaluable information and skills for students who are either transitioning between high school and post-secondary or for adults who have been out of school for some time and are returning as mature students. It will develop understanding and skills needed in college and university that differ from those required in high school and will provide salient learning for those who need to adapt to being a student again. It also goes over many issues which are applicable to adult learners.
Whether using a few of the chapters or studying the whole book, this will prepare students for the challenges of post-secondary education. It covers topics such as adult learning, time management, study skills, test-taking, note-taking, memory techniques, researching, referencing sources, learning preferences (strengths and challenges), student supports and resources, communication skills, online learning, student funding (loans, bursaries, and grants), presentation skills, and transferring courses between post-secondary institutions.
In this text students will have exercises which enable them to identify personal learning issues and develop strategies to deal with them in a way that works for them. It uses relevant and current visuals, videos, and interactive learning to achieve these learning outcomes.
This book covers the articulated learning outcomes for the provincial level ABE course, Student Success, under the Education and Career Planning (EDCP) umbrella which can be used as an elective towards a BC Adult Graduation Diploma. Many students use Student Success as a grade twelve level introductory course when returning to education while getting an adult high school level graduation diploma. As well, graduates starting post-secondary use Student Success to change study habits and to develop new skills for success as they start college or university. Some students use Student Success as needed throughout post-secondary as issues arise.
This textbook is an open resource under a Creative Commons license which can be printed, copied, shared, adapted, and modified freely. Please feel free to use all or any part of it as required.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of Student Success by Mary Shier, published using Pressbooks by BCcampus under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.
Student Success Copyright © 2020 by Mary Shier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.