
Chapter 6 Test Taking

6.6 Chapter Review and Activities

Exercise: Chapter Review I

  1. What is test anxiety? What are the three causes of test anxiety you would like to work on controlling?
  2. When should you start studying for an exam?
  3. Why would an instructor assign an open-book exam? What types of things should you pay attention to if you are taking an open-book exam?
  4. How might you predict the kinds of questions that will be on an exam?
  5. What should you do right after the instructor hands out the exam?
  6. List five words to watch for in multiple-choice and true-or-false questions.
  7. List five words to watch for in essay questions.
  8. List the five most common types of errors made on exams.
  9. What should you do with your exam after it has been graded and returned to you?

Exercise: Chapter Review II

The following test will allow you to practice the strategies for each question type outlined in Chapter 6:

I. Multiple-choice section (10 points)

  1. All actions on this list are examples of words to watch for in essay questions except:

a. analyze

b. prove

c. erase

d. illustrate

e. summarize

2. After getting a test back, you should:

a. analyze the types of questions you got wrong

b. correct your wrong answers

c. integrate your test into your study guide

d. identify any possible study and preparation errors

e. all of the above

II. True-or-false section (10 points)

  1. ____ You should never use examples when an essay question asks you to illustrate.
  2. ____ Beds are a good place to study because they are comfortable and quiet.
  3. ____ It’s smart to schedule a specific and consistent time for studying for each course.
  4. ____ In true-or-false questions, it is safer to mark true than false if you don’t know the answer.
  5. ____ One advantage of studying in a group is that students will encourage each other to do their best work.

III. Matching column section (10 points)

____ 1. Define A. A test where the student can consult notes and/or textbooks
____ 2. Study group B. To describe pros and cons and compare them
____ 3. Open-book test C. To describe the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept
____ 4. Discuss D. Your own personalized study guide
____ 5. Class and assignment notes E. Three or four students from a class who meet regularly to review class material and encourage each other

IV. Short answer section (15 points)

  1. List three things you should do before a test to prepare your body to perform effectively.
  2. Name at least three of the characteristics of successful study groups.
  3. List at least four steps you should take before you start writing the answer to an essay question.

V. Essay section (55 points)

  1. Compare and contrast effective studying and cramming.

Exercise: Make an Action List

Make an action list to prepare for your next test.

List two things that you will do to…

  1. Reduce your test anxiety.
  2. Improve your studying effectiveness.
  3. Improve your performance on exams.

When making your list, write down the date you expect to take each action and how you will know when you accomplish each action.

Action list
What I will do to… Description of action Date I expect to take each action How I will know I accomplished each action
Reduce my testing anxiety (action 1)
Reduce my testing anxiety (action 2)
Improve my study effectiveness (action 1)
Improve my study effectiveness (action 2)
Improve my performance on exams (action 1)
Improve my performance on exams (action 2)

Key Takeaways

Test taking is stressful, but salient concepts and strategies help make it go smoother. Rather than thinking of it as a stressful source of angst, think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate all that you have learned.

  • Recognize test anxiety and be pro-active in reducing it by being well-prepared for tests and by re-aligning negative attitudes.
  • Use key strategies for test preparation prior to your tests. Keep up throughout the term. Stick to your study plan. Prepare well for your tests.
  • Use key strategies during your tests to ensure you use your time efficiently and that you get the most marks that you can.
  • Learn from your mistakes on tests and from the types of questions that your instructor usually asks. Incorporate this into your future study plans after each test.
  • Academic dishonesty including cheating and plagiarism has serious consequences and is never worth it.

Text Attributions

  • This chapter has been adapted from “Chapter 6 Activities” in University Success by N. Mahoney, B. Klassen, and M. D’Eon. Adapted by Mary Shier. CC BY-NC-SA.


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6.6 Chapter Review and Activities Copyright © 2020 by Mary Shier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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