
Chapter 19 Summary & Key Term Check

Chapter 19 Main Ideas

19.1 The Geological Timescale

The work of William Smith was critical to the establishment of the first geological timescale early in the 19th century, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that geologists were able to assign reliable dates to the various time periods. The geological timescale is now maintained by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Geological time is divided into eons, eras, periods, and epochs.

19.2 Relative Dating Methods

We can determine the relative ages of different rocks by observing and interpreting relationships among them, such as superposition, cross-cutting, and inclusions. Gaps in the geological record are represented by various types of unconformities.

19.3 Dating Rocks Using Fossils

Fossils are useful for dating rocks back to ~600 Ma. If we know the age range of a fossil, we can date rocks containing it, but some organisms lived for many millions of years. Index fossils represent shorter geological time spans, and if a rock has several different fossils with known age ranges, we can narrow the time during which the rock formed.

19.4 Isotopic Dating Methods

Radioactive isotopes decay at constant known rates, and can be used to date igneous and metamorphic rocks. Some commonly used isotope systems are potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, uranium-lead, and carbon-nitrogen.

19.5 Other Dating Methods

There are many other methods for dating geological materials. Two that are widely used are dendrochronology and magnetic chronology. Dendrochronology, based on studies of tree rings, is widely applied to dating glacial events. Magnetic chronology is based on the known record of Earth’s magnetic field reversals.

19.6 Understanding Geological Time

While understanding geological time is relatively easy, actually comprehending the significance of the vast amounts of geological time is a great challenge. To be able to solve important geological problems and certain societal challenges, we need to really appreciate the vastness of geological time.

Key Term Check

What key term from Chapter 19 is each card describing? Turn the card to check your answer.


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