Communications and Media
21 Communications
Business Communications (CC BY)
Students will learn how to analyze context and audience, determine purpose, message content, visual design and media in order to create written workplace messages that can be received, understood, used and retrieved with speed and accuracy.
Business Communications 2 (CC BY)
This course explores the many strategies and methods one might employ to ensure important messages are communicated in a professional manner. This course establishes business communication fundamentals such as delivering bad news, writing informational reports, creating persuading messages, designing and delivering professional presentations, and preparing for employment searches.
STEM Foundations (CC BY-NC-SA)
This course offers practice using workplace communication, with activities designed to strengthen skills in preparation for entering a college program in a STEM career.
Pathways to Connection: A Facilitation Guide for Social Emotional Development and Community Engagement (Public Domain)
This facilitation guide focuses on making and maintaining human connections through detailed lesson plans, case studies, articles, links to resources and on-line adaptations while exploring personal and cultural identity, mental health, well-being, and resilience.
Plain Language and Design for Post-Secondary (CC BY-NC-SA)
Have you ever found yourself rereading sentences or paragraphs, trying to understand what the writer meant? Or maybe you have put off or just avoided reading a document because it seemed too complicated. This handbook will show you how to make your writing easier to understand, even when you are writing about complex topics. It will give you tips on how to make your sentences clearer and show you how to organize your documents so they are more effective for the reader.
Supplemental Materials
A Guide to Academic Podcasting (CC BY-NC-ND)
Academic podcasting is the communication of scholarly knowledge through the digital medium of podcasting. Podcasting can take on many forms, including interviews, audio documentary, fiction, or experimental sound forms.
WISC-Online Communication Learning Objects (CC BY-NC)
A collection of learning objects on various communication topics.
Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies (CC BY-NC-SA)
This book overviews the time-tested conceptual foundations of the field, while incorporating the latest research and cutting-edge applications of these basics. Each chapter will include timely, concrete, and real-life examples of communication concepts in action.
Communication Theory (CC BY-SA)
This Wikibook is an introduction to communication theory — the theory of how humans share, encode, and decode what they know, what they need, and what they expect from each other.
Digital Photography for Graphic Communications (CC BY)
The purpose of this book is to serve as a reference for a one-semester course in digital photography for graphic communications. Since digital cameras have mostly replaced colour scanners, graphic communicators need to capture images for use in magazines, catalogs, brochures, packages, signs, banners—all forms of printed materials—and also for eBooks, web sites, and apps. It is based on a 2009 print book by the authors that was called Digital Photography for Print and published by the Printing Industries of America (PIA) Press.
A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications (CC BY-NC)
This open textbook was designed for Engineering Technical Communications courses at The Ohio State University. This textbook focuses on developing both technical and professional communication skills and will help readers practice strategies for critically analyzing audiences and contexts, real-world applications of rhetorical principles, and skills for producing documents (reports, proposals, instructions), presentations, videos, and wide variety of other professional communications.
Information Strategies for Communicators (CC BY)
Written by two nationally recognized experts in information strategy, this book leads students step-by-step through the information search and evaluation process for news and strategic communication message production. The book includes a conceptual model of the information strategy process, case studies to illustrate the process in action, and links to current examples throughout.
Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships (CC BY-BC-SA)
This book helps readers examine their own one-on-one communicative interactions using a mindfulness lens and incorporating the latest communication theory and research to help students navigate everyday interpersonal interactions. The book cover topics typically taught in an undergraduate interpersonal communication course: family interactions, interpersonal dynamics, language, listening, nonverbal communication, and romantic relationships, as well as exploring emerging areas such as self-compassion, body positivity, friendships, and “the dark side”.
Key Concepts in Surveillance Studies (CC BY-NC-SA)
A student-authored glossary highlighting twenty-six key concepts in Surveillance Studies. For each concept, the student provided a concise definition of the concept that makes its connection to surveillance studies clear and provided an example.
Management Communication (CC BY-SA)
From the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University, this open textbook addresses business communication which is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions
Organizational Communication (CC BY-SA)
This textbooks helps students demonstrate an understanding of key topics and concepts, including communication networks, media management, organizational culture and climate, intercultural communication, meetings management, ethical communication, assessing communication quality, and crisis communication – and the impact of social technologies.
Write Like a PR Pro (CC BY-NC)
Write Like a PR Pro covers how to write and develop messages in different formats from professionals with expertise in different areas of communication. It was written by an instructor who teaches at The Ohio State University.
Media Attributions
- BC Map © Adamwashere is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
- Canada Map Icon © Icons8 is licensed under a CC BY-ND (Attribution NoDerivatives) license