Non-English OER
182 Español (Spanish)
Civilización hispanoamericana (CC BY-NC-SA)
Un recorrido por la historia y cultura de Hispanoamérica, diseñado para estudiantes de la lengua española a nivel intermedio.
Agua Subterránea (CC BY-NC-ND)
A Spanish version of the groundwater hydrology textbook Groundwater by Allan Freeze and John Cherry, which was originally published in 1979.
ECE textbook collection (CC BY)
- Child Growth and Development
- Child Family and Community
- Observation and Assessment
- Role of Equity and Diversity in ECE
La hora del cuento en español (CC BY-NC)
La hora del cuento en español is a collection of children’s stories in Spanish authored by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) students and edited by KPU Faculty Constanza Rojas-Primus and KPU alumna Sofía Rodríguez. The first part of this collection is a selection of stories written by KPU Spanish 1100 students between Fall 2017 and Spring 2019. The second part of this collection is a selection of stories written by KPU Spanish 1101 students between Fall 2020 and Spring 2022. All stories are narrated by Constanza Rojas-Primus and have been translated into English by Sofía Rodríguez. The illustrations in the cover and first part of this collection are artwork of KPU student Cheyenne Pokeda.
Para vivir con salud: leyendo la salud y la literatura (CC BY-NC)
This Spanish-language textbook introduces literary and textual analysis of Hispanic literature through the lens of health, illness, and medicine. The book targets Spanish majors and minors who are preparing themselves for careers in healthcare, in which they will engage Hispanic communities. These students seek advanced-level study of Hispanic culture and language that prepares them to communicate about health-related issues. This book includes classics of Hispanic narrative, drama, and poetry—pieces by authors such as Cervantes, Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Martí, Neruda, Castellanos, Pizarnik, and Morejón, less-well-known literary authors and a wealth of other types of cultural texts. While the primary genres of poetry, narrative and drama are well represented, the book includes expository essays, journalism, memoir, testimony, song, film, television, and visual art. It presents voices and experiences from the diverse Hispanic world, including European, Creole, Indigenous, Mestizo, Afro-Hispanic, Latinx, and Jewish perspectives.
Principios y practicas de la ensenanza infantil (CC BY)
This is the generic early release of the Spanish translation for the Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children OER textbook, Version 1.0. Both the PDF and Word files are provided.
¡Que viva la música!: Repaso de conversación en español (CC BY-NC)
¡Qué viva la música! Repaso de conversación en español, or Long Live Music! Spanish Conversational Review is an open textbook intended for conversational review, typically a fourth-semester Spanish class. The textbook is organized around nine different songs that provide students opportunities to practice, aurally and orally, as well as in writing, the main communicative goals and key grammatical structures learned in previous classes. It can also be used in similar high school classes.
¡A Programar! Una introducción a la programación (CC BY-NC)
A collection of videos providing an introduction to programming.
Math and science videos for high school classes in Spanish.
Media Attributions
- BC Map © Adamwashere is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license