

159 English Language Learning (ELL)

English Language Learning (ELL) is also known as English as a Second Language (ESL).
Last update: Nov 22/24


Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students (CC BY)

Also see Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students under “Textbooks”

This course was created for an advanced academic grammar course for ESL students. By the end of the course, students will recognize and demonstrate the appropriate use of advanced grammar structures. To meet these outcomes, students will listen to aural language that includes the target structures, identify and edit grammar errors in written language, read and analyze texts that include the target grammar structures, and demonstrate the correct and appropriate use of target structures in written and spoken language.

American English Speech (CC BY-NC-SA)

Learn how to communicate with the sounds and music of American English. Improve your pronunciation in Standard American English by dealing with the sounds of the words that you speak. NOTE: This is a course on speaking American English, not learning the English language.

This is a Canadian created resourceMobile ESL (CC BY)

From Athabasca University in Alberta, this is a course of lessons and practice on the system of English. It is divided into eighty-six sections. Each section covers an area of basic grammar and contains a number of exercises.

The Integrated Digital English Acceleration (I-DEA) program teaches English language skills in the context of college and careers for learners who face the largest language gaps. Unlike traditional approaches — in which learners are expected to learn English before pursuing college or job-training — I-DEA teaches English in tandem with college and career skills. Students quickly learn skills relevant to their lives and careers.


WAC and Second-Language Writers: Research Towards Linguistically and Culturally Inclusive Programs and Practices (CC BY-NC-ND)

This book looks at the differing perspectives, educational experiences, and voices of second-language writers. The chapters within this collection not only report new research but also share a wealth of pedagogical, curricular, and programmatic practices relevant to second-language writers. Representing a range of institutional perspectives—including those of students and faculty at public universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, and English-language schools—and a diverse set of geographical and cultural contexts, the editors and contributors report on work taking place in the United States, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.


This is a British Columbia created resource.Global Storybooks Portal (CC BY)

Global Storybooks is a collection of 40 stories from the African Storybook available with text and audio in English, French, and the most widely spoken immigrant and refugee languages in countries all over the world. This resource was created in order to promote literacy and language learning in homes, schools, and communities.

Supplemental Materials

Home and School (CC BY)

This book contains 10 easy picture stories for beginning students of English along with exercises and discussion prompts.

Study Zone (CC BY-NC-SA)

The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create English language lessons and practice exercises. The site is designed for our adult English language learners, but all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises.

Writing with Grammar (CC BY-SA)

Practice grammar with authentic writing and speaking activities.


51 Bite-Size Lessons on Verbs (CC BY-NC-SA)

The book addresses some of the most frequently occurring verb errors made by English as a Second Language (ESL) students.

Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students (CC BY)

Also see Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students under “Courses”

This textbook was created for an advanced academic grammar course for ESL students. By the end of the course, students will recognize and demonstrate the appropriate use of advanced grammar structures. To meet these outcomes, students will listen to aural language that includes the target structures, identify and edit grammar errors in written language, read and analyze texts that include the target grammar structures, and demonstrate the correct and appropriate use of target structures in written and spoken language.

Common American English Pronunciation Patterns (CC BY)

This textbook was written for students enrolled in ELL 80 at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. It includes several English pronunciation lessons to make students more effective speakers.

ESL for Beginning Students: The Way You Like It, Levels 1–5 (CC BY-NC)

A collection of English-grammar books ranging in levels from beginner to advanced. These books were created by Don Bissonnette of South Seattle College for students and teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL). These grammar-based books also include vocabulary, some pronunciation, punctuation, capitalization, and model paragraphs.

Explorations 1: Grammar for the Experienced Beginner (CC BY-NC-SA)

This English grammar textbook was designed for a class of Clackamas Community College (CCC) ESOL students who need only a review of the BE verb and are ready to learn the simple present and present progressive tenses.

Intermediate Reading and Writing (CC BY)

OER Textbook for English as a Second Language. It uses themes found in the historical fiction novel Uprising. Email rebecca.alhaider@reedleycollege.edu if you have any questions.

It’s All Greek to Me! Using the Authentic Readings to Improve Knowledge of the English Language and Western Culture (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book includes entertaining stories, academic articles in a variety of disciplines, vocabulary crossover in literary and academic readings, connections to local, American, and Western culture, and plenty of chances for critical thinking for advanced students of English as a Second Language (ESL). All readings are authentic with minimal adaptation from a variety of sources.

Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers of English (CC BY-NC-SA)

This textbook is designed to serve as an instructional tool for both learners and teachers in the field of pronunciation. Topics covered include vowel and consonant sounds, word stress, thought groups, prominence, and intonation as well as materials on listening, speaking, lexicogrammar, pragmatics, and pronunciation. The book can be used as a self-paced instructional tool or a classroom resource for speaking or pronunciation courses.

Teaching Math for Emergent Bilinguals: Building on Culture, Language, and Identity (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book is designed for pre-service/in-service teachers and others who will work or work with K–12 students who have linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, especially students of other languages (English language learners/Emergent bilingual/multilingual).

Teaching Pronunciation with Confidence: A Resource for ESL/EFL Teachers and Learners (CC BY)

This textbook is designed to effectively build strong pronunciation skills and knowledge of pronunciation. It covers key topics, including English sounds, word stress, intonation, rhythm, prominence, connected speech, and pronunciation diagnostics to guide improvement. The book includes a wide array of interactive H5P activities and sound recordings, which can be used for classroom teaching, or homework and individual practice. These exercises provide practical experience, reinforcing the concepts covered in each chapter.

Transition with Purpose: Pathways from English Language to Academic Study (CC BY-NC)

This textbook will guide students through their English language to academic degree studies. Part one of this textbook is a guide for moving from ESL study to academic study at a university. Part two focuses on how academic skills are used across various disciplines and is comprised of activities and assignments designed to practice these skills.

Writing for Change: An Advanced ELL Resource (CC BY)

This ELL textbook includes anti-racist, culturally responsive, and decolonization approaches to learning English.

Writing for Change: An Intermediate ELA Resource (CC BY-NC-SA)

Writing for Change: An Advanced ELA Resource (CC BY-NC-SA)

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