
146 Trades – General

Also see Trades OER in development.
Last update: Jun 27/22


ViVET: Global Hub for Vocational Education Training (CC BY-NC-SA)

A learning platform that provides videos, courses, training, and topics related to Vacation and Education Training (VET).


Mechatronics Technology (CC BY-NC-SA)

Learn skills in electrical, mechanical, and computer technologies in a course mapped to the Siemens Mechatronic Systems Level 1 certification. Students are prepared for entry-level Mechatronics positions in almost every industry.

Skills Commons (CC BY)

A digital library of Workforce Training Materials.


Basic Blueprint Reading (CC BY)

This is an entry level blueprint reading book written for the first year welding student. The book will be used in the first term of a two year welding program to familiarize the student to sketching and reading blueprints.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

OER by Discipline Directory Copyright © 2018 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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