Health, Medical, and Social Work
99 Veterinary Medicine
3D Skeletons and Skulls (CC BY)
A collection of 3D CT scans of a variety of wild and domestic animal skeletons and skulls.
Animal Learning Theory Lecture (CC BY)
Presentation slides for a lecture on basic learning theory for teaching Animal Behaviour created by Dr Ralph R.J. Thompson from the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education at The University of Edinburgh. It’s intended as a basis for lectures, to which images/graphics can be added and the lecture adapted for the purposes needed. The use of a coloured background to aid accessibility may benefit some students. Reflective/class questions are shown in light blue. Addition of other reflective or class response questions to check understanding and promote engagement is recommended.
Supplemental Materials
Clinical Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (CC BY-NC)
This book is aimed to guide the pre-clinical veterinary student through basic patient-side diagnostic testing procedures that accompany the in-person laboratory course.
Anatomy and Physiology of Animals (CC BY-NC-SA)
This book describes the structure of the animal body and the way in which it works. Animals encountered in normal veterinary practice are used as examples where possible.
Animals & Ethics 101: Thinking Critically about Animal Rights (CC BY-SA)
This textbook helps readers identify and evaluate the arguments for and against various uses of animals.
Atlas of Renal Lesions in Proteinuric Dogs (CC BY-NC-ND)
The goal of this Renal Pathology Atlas is to provide teaching material to veterinary pathologists and nephropathologists. The atlas demonstrates the breadth of lesions that can occur within a cohort of dogs presenting with the clinical sign of protein loss in the urine. Kidney samples were examined with multiple modalities including: histopathology, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Integration of these comprehensive evaluations with the clinical history can help veterinary pathologists and nephrologists to better understand the etiology and prognosis of renal lesions in proteinuric dogs.
A Guide to the Principles of Animal Nutrition (CC BY-NC)
In this introductory text, six fundamental nutrients, their structure, digestion, and metabolism are covered. A brief introduction to bioenergetics, feed additives, nutrient analysis, digestive organs and processes in monogastric and ruminant animals, and methods for assessing nutrient utilization are also included.
Integrating Veterinary Medicine with Shelter Systems (CC BY-NC-ND)
Shelter Medicine is an emerging field of veterinary specialization supported by rapidly increasing career opportunities. This book uses a case-based approach to explore the critical role played by the entire shelter team to protect the health and welfare of sheltered dogs and cats and how medical care, behavior programs, and operations all come together under the umbrella of Shelter Medicine.
Judging and Evaluating Dairy Cattle (CC BY-NC-SA)
These materials have been put together to help students and youth to learn the basics of judging and evaluating dairy cattle using various methods. There are numerous 4-H, Cooperative Extension and Breed Association booklets freely available, referred to in the document. However, this resource differs as it is intentionally full of visual examples and videos. The objective is to provide educators with additional resources to help beginning cattle judges understand visual evaluation and comparative judging techniques, as well as breed standards, linear scoring, oral reasons and the basics of fitting and showmanship.
Large Animal Surgery – Supplemental Notes (CC BY-NC)
This textbook includes basic principles of large animal surgery and anesthesia, how to apply those principles to cases and situations, and discover ways of finding answers when you don’t remember the information, are presented with cases that aren’t “textbook” and/or things don’t go as planned.
The Lymphatic System of the Dog (CC BY-NC-SA)
An English translation of a 1918 work by German veterinary anatomist Dr. Hermann Baum, The Lymphatic System of the Dog details a comprehensive investigation of the anatomy and drainage patterns of the canine lymphatic system. Despite being written over 100 years ago, much of Dr. Baum’s exhaustive work has not been repeated and is still relevant today.
Shelter Animal Physical Health (CC BY-NC-ND)
This book uses a variety of interactive components, including videos, recorded presentations, hyperlinked content, flip cards, interactive multimedia, and practice quizzes to explore the physical health of shelter animals.
Swine Diseases (CC BY-NC)
This textbook was written as a support for the course CVM 6969: Large Animal Medicine III at the University of Minnesota. Its structure follows the organization of the course sessions and may be confusing for an external audience.
Vet Med: Applied GI Physiology- Supplemental Notes (CC BY-NC)
This book is an attempt to connect the principles of veterinary physiology to the clinical presentation of disorders, particularly diagnostic tests and test interpretation.
Veterinary Epidemiology: Principles and Methods (CC BY-NC-ND)
The purpose of this textbook is to provide an introductory, yet comprehensive, source of information on epidemiology for veterinary students, researchers, and practitioners. There has not been a textbook that presents analytic epidemiology as a science, basic to veterinary medicine’s efforts in health management (herd health) as well as in clinical medicine.
Veterinary Histology (CC BY-NC)
This open textbook focuses on conveying the basic material required for understanding the microscopic anatomy to better understand the disease processes that they will learn later in the curriculum. Included is a basic overview of veterinary histology of commonly reviewed organ systems, with the goal of illustrating important concepts of cells, tissues, and organs in a manner that we hope is not only accessible to first-year veterinary students, but serves as a reference for clinical medicine and pathology.
Veterinary Preventive Medicine (CC BY-NC)
This textbook covers preventive approaches in veterinary medicine.
Well-being Handbook (CC BY-NC)
This book is a resource for veterinary students.
Small Animal Handling Videos (CC BY-NC-ND)
A series of videos demonstrating the best ways to handle small animals.
The Normal Canine Video Series (CC BY)
This series of four videos are intended for first-year students of veterinary medicine and include four canine exams: head and neck canine exam, thoracic canine exam, abdominal canine exam, urogenital rectal canine exam.
What is IBD in Pets? (CC BY)
In this video, Dr. Silke Salavati, who is a senior lecturer and specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine (Dipl. ECVIM-CA) at the Royal (Dick) Veterinary School at the University of Edinburgh, and has been working on gut problems in dogs and cats for nearly 2 decades, gives a brief explanation of the common gut problem called “Inflammatory Bowel Disease” (IBD) in dogs and cats.
Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (CC BY-NC-ND)
An online veterinary anatomy exhibits within one collection.
Media Attributions
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