50 Open Education and Open Pedagogy
Does Open Pedagogy Require OER? (CC BY)
A post by Clint Lalonde discussing whether open licences are necessary for something to be considered open pedagogy.
Quick Thoughts on Open Pedagogy (CC BY)
David Wiley expanding his thinking on open pedagogy.
What is Open? History and Open Education Resources (CC BY-ND)
An article describing the creation of an open seminar book for Canadian history survey classes.
What is Open Pedagogy? [PDF] (CC BY)
Professors describing what open pedagogy means to them and how they view the future of open pedagogy.
CCCOER Helpful Resources (Various CC licences)
A collection of resources curated by the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources that cover topics relating to OER including advocacy, open pedagogy, policy, adoption, authoring, accessibility, and more.
Using Open Content to Create a Culturally Relevant Classroom: Resources and Links [Google Docs] (CC BY)
A collection of links to books, online publications, and videos/webinars on culturally responsive teaching practices and resources. It also highlights a number of OER examples.
Butte Biology: Learning Through Creation (CC BY)
This site presents the steps for designing a course where students collaboratively write a textbook. The site also presents strategies for using steps independently or in sequence to simplify course design. Each individual page also discusses educational research related to each individual strategy.
OER-Enabled Pedagogy (CC BY)
A description and examples of a set of teaching and learning practices that are only practical in the context of the 5R permissions characteristic of open educational resources.
Open Pedagogy Examples (CC BY)
A collection of examples of open pedagogy that was generated after a BCcampus webinar on open pedagogy.
Affordable Instructional Materials (AIM) Instructional Designer Handbook (CC BY-SA)
This handbook is designed to facilitate a dialogue between an instructional designer and the contents of AIM.
Finding and Using Openly Licensed Images: A Quick Guide for Students (CC BY-NC)
The purpose of this guide is to give students clear and helpful information on finding and using images for their schoolwork and other creative projects.
A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students (CC BY)
A handbook for faculty interested in practicing open pedagogy by involving students in the making of open textbooks, ancillary materials, or other Open Educational Resources.
Making Ripples: A Guidebook to Challenge Status Quo in OER Creation (CC BY)
Making Ripples: A Guidebook to Challenge Status Quo in OER Creation is a short resource designed to expand your understanding of inequities in the educational systems through breaking down the work into smaller pieces with opportunities for you to reflect, identify strategies for action, and locate resources and community members to connect with. The purpose of this guide is to explore strategies for you as OER creators to incorporate equitable practices into your workflows.
Marking Open and Affordable Courses (CC BY)
This collaboratively authored guide helps institutions navigate the uncharted waters of tagging course material as open educational resources or under a low-cost threshold by summarizing relevant state legislation, providing tips for working with stakeholders, and analyzing technological and process considerations. The first half of the book provides high-level analysis of the technology, legislation, and cultural change needed to operationalize course markings. The second half features case studie.
The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far) (CC BY)
The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far) is a living repository of collective knowledge, written to equip all those who want to publish open textbooks with the resources they need. Representing two years of collaboration, innumerable conversations and exchanges, and a wide range of collective knowledge and experience, the Guide is a book-in-progress and will evolve and grow over time.
Zero Textbook Cost Degree Toolkit (CC BY)
A resource that provides an introduction of how to create a zero-textbook-cost (ZTC) program in Canada.
This book provides both inspiration and guidance for those beginning work on affordable content and evidence of the growth that has occurred in this arena over the last decade.
Contextualised open educational practices: Towards student agency and self-directed learning (CC BY)
This book covers original research on the implementation of open educational practices through the use of open educational resources at the university level. The emphasis on open education in this book is on contextualising resources, supporting student agency and fostering self-directed learning specifically within a South African milieu. The envisaged chapters cover conceptual and review research and empirical work focusing on open educational practices and the use of renewable assessments. The work starts off with an overview of an institutional-wide open education project that prompted the research followed by research on open education in terms of various modules in the health science, music education, law, philosophy, dietetics, anthropology, French language learning, journalism and political science. There is a clear gap in the literature on open education in terms of open educational practices, specifically in terms of contextualising resources, supporting student agency and fostering self-directed learning in a South African context. Despite the existence of some general works on open education in terms of policy, social justice and open textbooks, this book will be unique in exploring the intersections of openness, specifically with contextualisation, student agency and self-directedness.
Open Pedagogy Approaches (CC BY)
An anthology of case studies discussing different approaches to open pedagogy. Each case study is an example of how faculty, library staff, and students can work together to put into action the philosophy of open pedagogy. This book is meant to serve educators with varying levels of “open” experience and knowledge, whether one is starting small with a single assignment, radically revamping one’s course design, or simply interested in learning about new pedagogical approaches. The OER case studies bring together different approaches to open pedagogy, and as such, each chapter is quite different from the next.
Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science (CC BY)
A book edited by Rajiv Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Diener on all topics related to open education and open science. This book shares the stories, motives, insights, and practical tips from global leaders in the open movement, including a number of chapters that specifically focus on open pedagogy.
Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice (CC BY-NC)
This book explores the opportunities and challenges of moving the discussion about open educational resources (OER) beyond affordability to address structural inequities found throughout academia and scholarly publishing. OER have the potential to celebrate research done by marginalized populations in the context of their own communities, to amplify the voices of those who have the knowledge but have been excluded from formal prestige networks, and to engage students as co-creators of learning content that is relevant and respectful of their cultural contexts. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach and is filled with examples of the ways OER and open pedagogy can be used to support social justice in education. It covers a wide range of topics from theoretical critiques to multidisciplinary examples of OER development in practice to examinations of institutional support for OER development. The five sections of this book talk about theory and problematizing; open praxis; decolonizing learning in the Global South; scaling up with institutional policies (approaches); and building and decolonizing OER platforms. This book has print copies available for purchase, as well as a free digital edition.
Lorna Campbell’s Slideshare (CC BY)
A collection of 85 presentations and talks created by Lorna Campbell (who has twenty years experience working in education technology and leads the OER Service within Information Services at the University of Edinburgh) about her work in open education technology, policy, and practice.
Open Learning Experience Bingo 2.0 (CC BY)
Learning experience bingo is a game invented to offer a way for people to consider how learning experiences — like activities, assignments, modules, or courses — might be “opened” in various ways. For example, a learning experience might be opened by enabling wider access to more people, more agency for people involved, or more possibilities in its materials, tools, goals, outcomes, and/or design.
The Grim Educator (CC BY-NC)
For educators (and anyone else) who may be interested in the ways that death and evil shape how we interact with others and shape our world.By engaging with the ideas of Hannah Arendt and Ernest Becker, as well as borrowing from terror management theory (TMT) in social psychology, we hope to provoke thinking about how our conscious and unconscious approaches to evil and death impact education (and our lives).
OERigins Stories (CC BY-SA)
Six women of color, leaders in the Open Education Movement, share their stories and thoughts on Open Education and higher education.
An Open Education Reader (CC BY)
A collection of readings on open education with commentary by David Wiley.
Open at the Margins: Critical Perspectives on Education Education (CC BY-SA)
This book represents a starting point towards curating and centering marginal voices and non-dominant epistemic stances in open education. It includes the work of 43 diverse authors whose perspectives challenge the dominant hegemony.
Open Pedagogy Approaches (CC BY)
This collection is attentive to the relationship between teachers and librarians, and the interstitial space between colleges and libraries as one place that supports open.
Open Textbook Toolkit (CC BY)
This toolkit is a living document designed to support university and college faculty in Ontario who would like to create their first open textbook. Key sections in this toolkit are organized in an FAQ format and include information related to stakeholders, technology, copyright, accessibility, and more general production and classroom-use workflows of an open textbook.
How to Create Inclusive and Accessible OER (CC BY)
This webinar looks at how to design OER so they are more inclusive and accessible for all students. This includes an overview of the technical considerations of digital accessibility. For example, what are the minimum technical requirements that ensure students with print disabilities can access and navigate through the resource? We will also look at how inclusive design practices can help us create educational materials that are more versatile and useful for students. For example, what does an accessible resource look like for a student with no personal computer? Or a student with a learning disability that makes reading difficult? Ultimately, students can be very different from each other, and what may work for one student may not work for another. But by designing for those differences, we can create educational materials that are more useful, powerful, and accessible to all.
Introduction to Canadian Copyright and Open Licensing for OER (CC BY)
What do you need to know about copyright and open licensing when using or building OER? For example, what exactly can you do with existing OER? When do librarians and instructors need to ask permission to use someone else’s images, text, or video in new OER? Where does fair dealing “fit” in the OER landscape?
Making Open Textbooks: A Video Guide (CC BY)
A video series created by the Rebus Community about publishing open textbooks, with collaboration at the heart of a collective, open process of creation.
Open Education Support Models (CC BY)
Based on a comprehensive environmental scan of Canadian institutional and regional open education initiatives, this webinar introduces participants to the post-secondary landscape. Through an analysis of support models, services, technologies, and success stories presented by academic institutions or discussed in the literature, participants will gain an understanding of the state of open education in Canada and its regional variations. They will be in a better position to describe the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches, and identify gaps and opportunities.
Open Pedagogy (CC BY)
An archived webinar by Open Oregon (January 2017) on the subject of open pedagogy.
Supporting Open Education Practices from the Library (CC BY)
Higher education promises to be a vehicle for economic and social mobility; however, this promise increasingly goes begging as our institutions are subtly structured to reinforce existing inequalities, with engagement, persistence, and achievement still closely tied to affordability. The oft-heard institutional claim to be student-centered is similarly hypocritical, as it is usually faculty, accreditation requirements, and budgetary constraints that dictate both the structure and content of the learning experience. It is against the backdrop of these paradoxes that open education practices have emerged as a transformational force in higher education. Open educational practices (OEP) encompass the creation, adaptation, and adoption of open educational resources as well as a range of open pedagogies through which students are empowered as co-creators of knowledge. This presentation will draw on a diverse set of examples to make a case for why the shift away from traditional (closed) practices is not only desirable but also inevitable, and how supporting OEP from the library supports both social justice and pedagogical innovation.
Innovating with Open Knowledge (CC BY-SA)
A series of resources and case studies created by the University of Edinburgh that will help you develop the knowledge and skills to find and access free content, data and research produced by the university sector.
Open Professional Education Network (CC BY)
A collection of support resources designed to support the use of the following: Open Educational Resources (OER) practices & policies; Creative Commons (CC) licensing; Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility; evidence-based online technology use; effective course and learning design; and help finding existing OER.
Media Attributions
- BC Map © Adamwashere is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
- Canada Map Icon © Icons8 is licensed under a CC BY-ND (Attribution NoDerivatives) license