

60 Industrial Engineering

Last update: Jan 1/23


Certified Manufacturing Technologist Program (CC BY)

Course documentation for Mo Manufacturing program, Certified Manufacturing Technologist which includes the classes: Manufacturing Processes, Introduction to Robotics, and Manufacturing Management.

History of Industrial Design (CC BY)

Course materials covering industrial design topics from 1750 to mid-twentieth century in areas including: collaborations between art and industry; mass production; changing patterns of consumption; advances in material processes; the social and/or technological impact of industrial design; the social and/or technological impact of industrial design on various fields including transportation, health care; consumer goods; domestic space, and the workplace.

Materials Handling Technology (CC BY)

Course materials providing an introduction to materials handling technology including modules covering the following topics: introduction to materials handling technology, materials movement, hoisting equipment, industrial robots, and integrated materials handling.


Industrial Automation Simulations (CC BY-NC)

A collection of industrial automation simulations and videos available through Wisc-Online by Fox Valley Technical College.


Classical Topics in Inventory Control [PDF] (CC BY-ND)

This book is the outcome of teaching a course titled “Inventory planning and control” for several years to B.S. students. The book covers the classic topics in inventory control as well as some demand forecasting methods

Introduction to Industrial Engineering (CC BY-SA)

An introduction to industrial engineering textbook available online and as a PDF.

Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice [PDF] (CC BY-ND)

This book, whose Persian version is written by the same author, is the outcome of teaching a course on reliability for several years to graduate students. The
main prerequisite for understanding the materials of the book is probability. The book introduces readers to reliability and availability of products.

Simulation Modeling and Arena (CC BY-NC-ND)

Discrete-event simulation is an important tool for the modeling of complex systems and is used to represent manufacturing, transportation, and service systems in a computer program to perform experiments on a computer. Simulation modeling involves elements of system modeling, computer programming, probability and statistics, and engineering design. This is an introductory textbook for a first course in discrete-event simulation modeling and analysis for upper-level undergraduate students as well as entering graduate students. The text is focused on engineering students (primarily industrial engineering); however, the text is also appropriate for advanced business majors, computer science majors, and other disciplines where simulation is practiced.

Statistical Methods in Quality Control [PDF] (CC BY-ND)

This book is the outcome of more than 30 years teaching a course titled “Statistical Quality Control” to B.S. students. The book is divided into fourteen chapters that cover the topics on statistical quality control needed for a one-semester course. Due to the importance of control charts and Acceptance Sampling Standards, most chapters of the book deal with the control charts and Standard Sampling Tables.


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